Top 10 types of ghosts

          Have you ever felt a pair of eyes watching you,while you were alone and doing a chore?Or worse,have you seen something creepy and scary move from the corner of your eye?Or have felt something or more precisely,someone invisible touch you?Here are the top 10 types of ghosts that might be haunting you at this very instant when you are reading might want to look behind you.......Hey!!!what is that thing behind you!!!? 

        Beware,this blogpost is not for the faint-hearted.If you are someone who gets scared very easily,I don't recommend you reading this blogpost.

1)Messenger Ghost:Have you ever strange knocks or sounds in the middle of the night?Or from the corner of your eye,have you seen anything move?Whatever is the source of all this may not be a malevolent spirit that is trying to harm you,but rather a messenger ghost that is trying to deliver a message to you.

        A lot of paranormal experts claim that it may take a long time for ghosts to get familiar with their new powers and that may get it even more frustrated and hence aggressive.In order to get your attention the ghost may fling your things from one end of the room to another or worse,it may even hurt you.This makes messenger ghosts even more terrifying although they are not.

2)Animal Ghost:If you have ever felt low,soft growls coming from an unknown or invisible source or if you feel feline eyes watching you in the middle of the night,no need to panic,they are just actions of animal ghosts that aren't aware of their death yet.If you smell a wet dog or something invisible sniffing you,never get freaked out at such times because animal ghosts can be just as curious as real,physical ones.If you destroy their homes or do something to irritate them,you will surely get caught in the mouth of an animal ghost and get pulled below your bed!!!

3)Brownies:Some ghosts can be good or bad at the same time.It always depends on the way you treat them.It is no different when it comes to brownies.They are spirits of Scottish and English origin.They make themselves aware by eating a little food or by breaking or throwing something.

         If you have unfinished work and find it finished the next day,without having any memory of doing it,it only means that a brownie is living with you.The feeling of being constantly watched even from a fridge after opening it are signs of the presence of a brownie.

          Offending these tiny spirits is like inviting the devil into your house as they can take revenge in horrible ways like hurling things toward you or even haunt you like a poltergeist.

4)Residual Haunters:It is said that history repeats itself,but for ghosts such as these,it literally means that.

          Residual haunters are ghosts that might not even be aware of their own death.They are ghosts that have been through a lot of trauma during the last moments of their life and that ultimately led to their death.As their name suggests,they relive the last traumatic moments of their life repeatedly.

          If you get up at a fixed time at night every time and hear a particular sound at that particular time,it is definitely the work of a residual haunter.

5)Etheric Revenants:The most dangerous type of ghost to humanity,fortunately,is the most rarest type of ghost.

             Etheric revenants are ghosts that are easily comparable to vampires.But the only difference is that these ghosts sap out the life force of human beings.

        Have you ever felt tired even after sleeping for more than 8 or 9 hours?Have you ever felt that you have never slept at all?These are the works of etheric revenants.Feeling sluggish or extremely exhausted suddenly even after feeling energetic just a few moments prior are also signs of the presence of etheric revenants.

         People who have been lucky enough to survive these dangerous spirits have said that etehric revenants look like cold black beings.Looking at them was like looking into a black hole-a place devoifd of any life.

6)Shadow people:If you feel something moving in the shadows with your peripheral vision,or feel something watching you from the shadows or may even feel something sneaking up on you from behind,only to turn back and see no one,then that means you are being haunted by a shadow person.

       These spirits don't communicate very much,but those have managed to do so claim that these spirits have malicious intent.

        The most common types of shadow people are a man wearing a hat and a woman wearing a hood.

7)Fetch(Doppelganger):If you have just lost someone very close to you and feel their presence or even see their spirit,it may not always be that of your loved one.

           As their name suggests,these ghosts disguise themselves as the spitting image of a loved one who has just died or someone who is about to die.

          If you see the figure of a living person in a dark corner,but feel that they cannot be physically present over there,as they are somewhere else,take it as a warning.That same person is about to encounter death very soon.

          How to distinguish between a real person/spirit and a fetch?Fetches are much more soft spoken than the original person or spirit.

8)Dybbuk(Possessing spirit):The next time you stare into a mirror,make sure it is YOU who are staring back......

         Dybbuks are malevolent spirits of dead people who possess someone else in order to complete an extremely vital task.

         They start by whispering curses or something else into a person's ears in order to weaken his/her willpower.Once weakened completely,the dybbuk takes over goes about completing his/her task.

         The only way to get rid of a dybbuk is by performing an exorcism or by completing his/her task or by convincing him/her that the task has already been completed.

         But beware,the dybbuk might just jump into YOU........!!! 

9)Boogeyman:Though the stories of boogeyman may be shrugged off as tales told to small,notorious children in order to get them to behave,there are far too many cases of the boogeyman for him to be dismissed as a non-existent creature.

          Have you ever had the feeling of pure evil watching you in your bedroom?Or maybe terrified enough to refrain yourself from putting your clothes in your closet?Such is the power of the malicious intent of the boogeyman.

          The boogeyman is known to take away naughty kids,but there are cases of even old people being kidnapped.

          The boogeyman is mostly viewed as a masculine figure,but there are cases of even 'boogeywomen' being reported.

          The boogeyman is know to terrorize it's victims for days,if not,weeks,until finally kidnapping them.

10)Poltergeist:This is the last ghost on the earth you would want to haunt you.

       If you wake up in the middle of the night,because of loud bangs on your door or because of the sound of objects being thrown everywhere or due to any physical interaction with your body,then that means you are being haunted by a poltergeist.

         Poltergeist is German for 'Noisy ghost'.
But the noise is something that you should not be worried about.

         Initially,poltergeists throw things from here to there.They are not spirits that haunt your house.The only thing that they are after is you and scaring you.
Run anywhere,they will always come after you.And after they get bored by scaring you,they decide to END YOU......

        Thank you for reading my blogpost.Please comment below on how I can improve it further.


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