An introduction to paranormal and supernatural phenomena

                    I have started this blog solely because my interest in metaphysics led me to the discovery of many myths and non-fictional stories,as well as conspiracy theories.Through this blog I don't desire to prove that supernatural,paranormal,abnormal phenomena and conspiracy theories are true.These are just stories......or that is what I am told.


         Some theories as well as phenomena have undeniable evidence to back them up,but they do have a 100% chance to be fake and they are,right........?


          Anyway,this blog will consist of many scary stories as well as descriptions of creatures that may or may not be real.The unknown as well as the abnormal and paranormal has always piqued my interest,hence I decided to write about them.I wanted to keep a record of them,so that even if I forget somethings,I can thrill and scare myself as well you my dear readers with the help of the many things I'm going to write about in the upcoming blogposts of mine.


         Coming back to the main topic,what are paranormal and abnormal phenomena exactly?They are phenomena related to ghosts,demons,aliens,cryptids,etc.,all those things that are said to be non-existent by science.


1)Ghosts:Ghosts are nothing but the spirits of dead people who cannot rest in peace yet as they are yet to fulfill a wish of their's.There are various types of ghosts,I'll talk about them in greater detail in the upcoming blogposts.


2)Demons:Demons are nothing but malevolent creatures who are said to be like minions or angels of the devil.They enjoy stealing human souls as well as taking possession of the human body so that gradually the person becomes weak physically and in time gets his/her soul stolen involutarily by the demon.


3)Aliens:It is said that aliens are of may different kinds like other species of living organisms on the earth.Some groups of aliens are known to have played a major hand in stopping great calamities and events like world wars,whereas some aliens exist who only care about using humans for their own benefit.


4)Cryptids:Cryptids are legendary creatures that very rare and hence highly elusive.They are so rare that many are considered to be non-existent and not even extinct.The yeti,bigfoot,loch ness monster,the Japanese kappa are some well-know examples of cryptids.

        More details will be given about various other creatures and many other stories will be published in the upcoming blogposts.


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