
Top 10 types of ghosts

                            Have you ever felt a pair of eyes watching you,while you were alone and doing a chore?Or worse,have you seen something creepy and scary move from the corner of your eye?Or have felt something or more precisely,someone invisible touch you?Here are the top 10 types of ghosts that might be haunting you at this very instant when you are reading might want to look behind you.......Hey!!!what is that thing behind you!!!?          Beware,this blogpost is not for the faint-hearted.If you are someone who gets scared very easily,I don't recommend you reading this blogpost. 1)Messenger Ghost: Have you ever strange knocks or sounds in the middle of the night?Or from the corner of your eye,have you seen anything move?Whatever is the source of all this may not be a malevolent spirit that is trying to harm you,but rather a messenger ghost that is trying to deliver a message to you.         A lot of paranormal experts claim that it ma

An introduction to paranormal and supernatural phenomena

                    I have started this blog solely because my interest in metaphysics led me to the discovery of many myths and non-fictional stories,as well as conspiracy theories.Through this blog I don't desire to prove that supernatural,paranormal,abnormal phenomena and conspiracy theories are true.These are just stories......or that is what I am told.                                                  Some theories as well as phenomena have undeniable evidence to back them up,but they do have a 100% chance to be fake and they are,right........?                                                                                          Anyway,this blog will consist of many scary stories as well as descriptions of creatures that may or may not be real.The unknown as well as the abnormal and paranormal has always piqued my interest,hence I decided to write about them.I wanted to keep a record of them,so that even if I forget somethings,I can thrill and scare myself as we